
Safe and reliable: our live shipment: If you have decided on a marine fish, you can order it with just a few clicks in our online shop. Our Whitecorals team is now working to ensure that your order is shipped quickly, but the health of your new fish as our top priority: All animals are shipped in a safe, special packaging with pure oxygen, so that a live arrival is guaranteed. Carefully unpack the fish and place them in your seawater basin, observing the appropriate housing recommendations. We wish you a lot of fun with your new fish!
Salarias fasciatus - Sailfin Blenny
EUR 27,90*
to articleHalichoeres cosmetus - Adorned Wrasse
EUR 44,90*
to articleLabroides dimidiatus - Bluestreak Cleaner Wrasser
EUR 21,90*
to articleValenciennea strigata - Sleeper Goldhead Goby
EUR 29,90*
to articleValenciennea sexguttata - Sleeeper Bluedot Goby
EUR 29,90*
to articleCentropyge acanthops - Flameback Angelfisch
EUR 49,90*
to articlePseudocheilinus hexataenia - Sixstriped Wrasse
EUR 29,90*
to articleZebrasoma scopas - Scopas Tang
EUR 49,90*
to articleChaetodon lunula - Raccoon Butterflyfish
EUR 49,90*
to articlePseudanthias squamipinnis - Lyretail Anthias
EUR 24,21 - EUR 26,90*
to articleAmphiprion ocellaris - False Clownfish
EUR 19,90*
to articleEUR 14,31 - EUR 15,90*
to articleChaetodon kleinii - Kleins Butterfly
EUR 44,90*
to articleCentropyge bispinosa - Coral Beauty Angelfish
EUR 44,90*
to articleChromis viridis - Blue Green Damselfish
EUR 14,37 - EUR 16,90*
to articlePseudanthias squamipinnis - Lyretail Anthias (Male)
EUR 34,90*
to articleAmblygobius phalaena - White-barred goby
EUR 24,90*
to articleChaetodon auriga - Auriga Butterflyfish
EUR 39,90*
to articleCirrhitichthys falco - Falco Hawkfisch
EUR 38,90*
to articleNemateleotris magnifica - Firefish
EUR 32,90*
to articleValenciennea puellaris - Diamond Watchman Goby
EUR 29,90*
to articleEcsenius midas - Persian blenny
EUR 39,90*
to articleSynchiropus splendidus - Mandarin-Leierfisch (Männchen)
EUR 32,90*
to articleAll fish available and ready to ship
What do I have to consider when buying marine fish?
They are THE centerpiece of most saltwater aquariums: The matching marine fish. Whether small, large, colorful, monochrome, sophisticated or easy to care for - thanks to the sheer limitless diversity of species, the right fish is available for every tank and every aquarist. In our seawater shop you will find a large selection of different marine fish from anemonefish to dwarf-angelfish, from which you can easily select and order your favorites online.
The principle: No fish is the same!
When buying fish, it should be noted in advance that each fish species has different demands and living conditions, which must be taken care of. For example, it must be checked carefully whether the aquarium is big enough, whether adequate feeding can be guaranteed and whether the necessary living environment for the animals is available (for example correct water temperature, sufficient hiding places). In addition, it must be clarified how the fish behaves when dealing with conspecifics or other marine fish in order to avoid rivalry in the aquarium. These individual characteristics of each animal are to be studied exactly before the purchase - the product descriptions in our Onlineshop give thereby a first important orientation. If you are unsure if a particular marine fish is suitable for your tank, you can contact us at any time. In the following, we would like to show you a small selection of the most popular marine fish with their most important characteristics.
A small selection of popular marine fish
A very clear top seller is the Chromis viridis, which is also known in German as the Green Swallowtail. What makes this damselfish so popular is above all its peaceful nature and uncomplicated attitude. However, it should be noted that this marine fish has a very high feed requirement and despite its small size requires a relatively large aquarium, as it is very agile and swimming around a lot. However, if these factors can be guaranteed, the Green Swallowtail is a wonderful addition to your marine aquarium. Also, the False Clown Anemonefish (Amphiprion ocellaris) enjoys great popularity with Meeresaquarianern - and not only because of its starring role in the cult film "Finding Nemo". Of particular interest in this undemanding marine fish is its symbiosis with various types of anemones, which is always interesting to observe. In addition, this clown fish is one of the few fish that can be kept in nano-aquariums (from 100 liters). By the way: Even for beginners, the clown-anemonefish is ideal. If you own a larger marine aquarium (over 500 liters), surgeon fish could be just what you are looking for. How about, for example, the Yellow Sailfish Doctor (Zebrasoma Flavescens)? The peaceful behavior, the robustness and the uncomplicated socialization are the central features that make this fish so special. Almost a must-have for large pools! In addition to the mentioned marine fish, various dwarf emperor fish, gobies, lyre fish, wrasses and other coral fish enjoy great popularity in our sea water shop. Just take a look around in peace - is the right care for you guaranteed?
Marine fish: Weekly new imports
In our seawater shop you can buy many different marine fish with live guarantee online. In addition to all-popular fish species such as anemonefish (eg Amphiprion ocellaris), surgeonfish (eg Zebrasoma flavescens) or shoaling fish (eg Chromis viridis, Anthias anthias) you can always find rarities such as Zebrasoma gemmatum or designer clown fish (eg Platinum, Picasso , Snowflake, Onyx Amphiprion percula). In addition, use our aquarium size filter function if you would like to know which fish species are suitable for your marine aquarium.