Due to the necessary school of fish, an aquarium of 500l is recommended. Damselfish like the known Chromis viridis (chromis) are schooling fish but they are a lot more aggresive than anthias and thus form couples and mark their territories. The same applies to other damselfishes too like yellowtail damsel (Chrysiptera parasema) or Dascyllus melanurus (Blacktail-dascyllus) which are also found in nature in schools but are very less in number in the aquarium. If one has a sufficiently large tank, then it is possible to keep a school of fish, in small tanks it becomes difficult to keep pairs.
Pseudanthias squamipinnis - Lyretail Anthias
EUR 24,21 - EUR 26,90*
to articleChromis viridis - Blue Green Damselfish
EUR 14,37 - EUR 16,90*
to articlePseudanthias squamipinnis - Lyretail Anthias (Male)
EUR 34,90*
to articlePseudanthias dispar - Peach fairy basslet
EUR 26,01 - EUR 28,90*
to articlePseudanthias squamipinnis - Lyretail Anthias - harem of 5 (4F 1M)
EUR 134,90*
to articlePterapogon kauderni - Banggai Cardinal (Aquacultured)
EUR 49,90*
to articlePictichromis paccagnellae - Royal dottyback
EUR 23,90*
to articlePseudanthias evansi - Yellowback anthias
EUR 31,41 - EUR 34,90*
to articlePictichromis diadema - Diadem dottyback
EUR 24,90*
to articleChromis vanderbilti - Vanderbilt Chromis
EUR 17,91 - EUR 19,90*
to articlePseudanthias cooperi - Red-bar anthias
EUR 26,91 - EUR 29,90*
to articlePseudanthias huchtii - Redcheek Anthias
EUR 31,41 - EUR 29,90*
to articleDascyllus trimaculatus - Domino Damselfish
EUR 13,41 - EUR 14,90*
to articleNeopomacentrus nemurus - Yellow-tail demoiselle
EUR 15,21 - EUR 16,90*
to articleChrysiptera cyanea - Blue Damselfish
EUR 13,41 - EUR 16,90*
to articlePseudanthias kashiwae - Tricolor Anthias
EUR 26,91 - EUR 29,90*
to articleKeeping damsel fish and Anthias
"Harem or solo? It depends... "
Generally there are exceptions of ruffians in the damsel fish like pseudoanthias-species – please be informed before buying!