Cyphastrea is a coral genus belonging to the large polyp stony corals (LPS = Large Polyp Scleractinia). The coral colonies of most species grow flatly encrusting over the substrate, or in lumpy boulders. Only Cyphastrea decadia grows branched. A clear separation of the species is really only possible microscopically from the skeleton, but many animals in the trade should be Cyphastrea serailia or Cyphastrea ocellina according to the distribution in the Indopacific. Popular color morphs are "Forest Fire" or "Meteor Shower", for example.
Cyphastrea can be distinguished from Montipora and other flat growing stony corals by the fact that the polyps are crater- to nodule-shaped and the space between them is normally smooth.
The location of Cyphastrea stony corals in the marine saltwater aquarium should be shady, in our tanks the mother colonies become most beautiful at about 40 PAR. About the care: Slightly increased nutrient values are good for growth. Cyphastrea are well suited to occupy vertical surfaces on pillars similar places, as they grow well on these even with little light.
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