Chalice is a collective term for a number of "chalice-shaped" large polyp stony corals, which are very difficult to distinguish from each other on the living animal and on sight. For example, Echinophyllia, Echinopora, Echinomorpha, Mycedium, Oxypora, and Acanthastrea echinata are sometimes referred to as Chalice. These stony corals are extremely popular as there are fantastic color morphs, from forms referred to as Watermelon and Rainbow to Afterburner, Convict, Mummy Eye, Mindbender, Hollywood Stunner and many more.
Although the name suggests a cup-shaped growth, many Chalices are not free-standing, but encrust creeping over rock. Since a wide variety of species are traded as Chalices, growth rates range from very slow to moderately fast. Generally, most Chalices like a shady location around 40 PAR, with very blue-heavy light color for good color development. If the light intensity is too high, they easily get burned and bleach. Important for a good development are also higher nutrient values: especially phophate should be present and detectable, optimally around 0.1 mg/l, with nitrates around 10-20 mg/l.
When placing chalice corals, care should be taken that many among them can sting powerfully and form surprisingly long fighting tentacles. Therefore, it is best to place them at a generous distance from other corals.
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